Monday, May 25, 2015

Welcome to my new blog - Living An Inspired Life

Dreams and self care - these are both things that I need to continually remind myself of doing each and every day.  They are both really a mindset and that we all need to focus on. Why shouldn't we focus on our dreams? I know that life can often get in the way of pursuing our passions, but what if we woke up every day in pursuit of them?
I know that once my mindset shifted from pursuing someone else's dreams or what we think is what we should be doing or have to do, and moved into the pursuit of my own - my entire life changed for the better.  Yes, it took years to get to that point and yes, it was frightening to initially take that step of making it happen, but let me tell you that I've never looked back or felt anything but excited about the prospects of what each day would bring since making the decision to go for it.  I couldn't have made those changes without the support of my family and some really incredible friends who have been my sounding board and who have given me great advice.  My life has changed in ways that I didn't even know would happen, and I'm truly grateful that I took the chance to pursue MY own dreams.

What are some of the dreams that you continually think about or are currently pursuing?  Is there something that makes you so excited when you wake up every morning?  If you feel inspired to do so, please share them here.  Or, if you are currently following those dreams, I'd love to know how it's going.

I welcome your input and am glad to have you here as a part of my continued journey.