Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My thoughts on BEing different

When I was younger, I thought that being different wasn't really a good thing.  When we're growing up, it seems like the least popular thing to be is someone who stands out from the rest by being their own authentic self.  But, as I've gotten older I've come to realize that some of the best people that I've met along the way have also been unique. I've worked hard and tried to find a group of people who just get me for all that I am.  They don't judge me, they just support my journey and lift me when I need it the most. It means so much to me to know that I have a "tribe" of like minded people who are always there for me no matter what.

I want to take some time to thank you for coming along with me on this ride - sometimes it seems like a roller coaster and sometimes it can move along at a much slower pace.   When it comes right down to it, I guess that I really wouldn't have it any other way. 

Sending lots of positive vibes to you - today & always.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gratitude - So Important in my journey

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of gratitude lately.  I think it's because when I started my Gratitude Journal many years ago, it had such a profound effect on my life.  I began with just writing the Top 5 things I was grateful for each day.  Some days the list looked very similar to a previous list and went something like this:
  • Grateful to my family who have always supported  me
  • Grateful to my husband who loves me for who I am
  • Grateful to have a roof over my head
  • Grateful to have clothes to wear each day
  • Grateful to have food on the table
Yes, it really can be that "simple".  But truly, these concepts aren't really simple.  They are often things that people can take for granted in their lives.  And once I started realizing just how much in life I had to be grateful for, my life changed.  I have so much more than many, and instead of comparing and contrasting how little I had compared to others (who seem to have more) - and focusing on just how many wonderful things I have in my life - my entire perspective changed.  It's a practice that I continue each and every morning.  It begins my day on a very positive note, and if/when I might be having a day that isn't so great, I can look at the journal to find inspiration.

If a gratitude journal isn't something that you currently do, I highly recommend starting one.  It doesn't have to be in some fancy leather bound journal.  For less than a $1, you can go to the local office supply store and get a spiral bound notebook or composition book on sale.  Use it to change your life and your perspective.  I would love to hear from you about whether you have tried using a Gratitude Journal and if you had any of the same takeaways.

Gratefully yours,

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Authenticity ... and what it means to me

I've been thinking a lot about this ... the concept of authenticity.

It seems pretty easy to understand, but really if you take a long hard look at the people around you, are they authentic?  I hope that your answer is resounding "YES", because that means that you are finding others who are similar to you and those who nourish you each & every day.

I've always been a person who tells it like it is, which hasn't always make me popular, but I'm always just going to be me. This exact thing which has been my guiding force for many years:  being who you are -  it's what has shaped me and has kept me on track. 

I AM a daughter, a sister, aunt, wife, friend, mom (to Buddha, our puggle), entrepreneur, Professional Organizer, Chief Simplicity Officer, foodie & beach lover.  Some days I wear all of those hats, and that is a simply great thing. I truly believe that all the people who we have met along the way shape and influence us, and I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people who have touched my life.

I am grateful that you are here with me, sharing my journey and giving me strength to keep moving forward.

If you feel inspired to do so, please share a little something about yourself in the comments below. Tell us all about who YOU are and what is unique about your life.  Until next time, sending much love & light to you all!